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Valery Valius about his Art

To be the heretic




My relation to painting has ceased to be simply spectator after death of the father - artist Pjotr Adamovich Valius. I helped to show his pictures in a cellar of a studio while authorities have not  taken away it, and then arranged his exhibitions in the West and after 90-th year in Russia. For last years I was helped with it by hundreds people. Only critics among them met seldom. I was surprised in the beginning, and have recognized a reality later  - they have own interests,  there is no need to explain at present, that in expression "cultural values" it is possible to make an accent on a word of "value", and what are intermediary, additional costs and similar calculations is well-known too. And sincere impulses, devotion are leaved for less professional people. With whom I also dealt.

And in this collection of articles  I dare luxury - to manage without articles of any eminent critic accepted in such cases. Publications about my art is considerable amount - a weighty folder (probably, it would be necessary to specify volume in mbytes, yes it is somehow unusual). And what is especially pleasant - there is no ordered article. This selection includes those that I like more than others.

During demonstration to spectators  pictures of my father (from 1970 up to 1975 studio has visited nearby 50000 person) some social position was generated: pictures intend for mind and heart of the spectator. I adhere to this position and to this day  Though, certainly, another positions exist.


Metaphysical experience. Photo.

And my own art has begun in 1986 with photographing of visions. I l note, that I somehow did not

 hear, that in it trained in initial or supreme art schools. I can guess more likely, that for it  man can be expel from them.

Then, using photos, I wrote pictures. In section of illustrations there are samples: photos and corresponding pictures.

Photos of visions is a result of direct religious experience (metaphysics). I can describe technics  of photographing of visions, But I cannot train in it  - I do not conduct. Technically visions can be described as the images resulting in secondary focusing of light, not similar to objects on which the camera is directed. Certainly, it is possible to name as visions any images similar or not similar on objects of our world, but  their senses and emotional force are essencial.

Muse is not a derivative of mentality, she outside. And in two senses: as a divine source of creativity and as contents of the works connected with problems of a life (instead of mental conditions of the artist). To represent in a picture catharsis (a light exit from a heavy situation) it is not obligatory. Catharsis it is good in a life, and in apicture - not always. Give the God that terrible works will lose its urgency.

Loss of autonomy of the I, that accompany sometimes creative process, does not mean automatically neither genius, nor sanctity, nor madness.

Metaphysics of creativity is not the estimating characteristic. Results are appreciated, instead of process and  motive power . It is a question of gift. And gifts can differ: to one flowers, to other a broom, and to third an empty bottle that can be resold.

My works are executed, certainly, not in a realistic manner.  I shall give some explanations for the people who have been brought up on realism in painting. Maybe, it will allow them to understand paintings that differ from what they have got used. Art, and painting in particular, has very many different functions. For example, in societies with heavy political regimes  one of functions of art is demonstration to people, that that everything is all right and there are no bases to worry and long. Beautiful landscapes, plentiful still-lifes, happy families, joyful work, grandiose achievements, portraits of leaders are everywhere. It is simple to explain to Germans, what is a socialist realism: " It was in your art  at Hitler ".

It is possible to represent and decorate a life not only in heavy circumstances. The spectrum of manners and themes thus naturally extends. It is noticed, that painting influences the spectator more quickly and more directly, than the literature: survey of a picture occupies less time, than reading of the book, in painting there is no transfer in the alphabetic symbols, completely not similar to what they mean. If to take a spontaneity of influence for the supreme advantage of a picture, than sense or senses, in it incorporated, receive the scornful name "literary". The author thus, alas, appears to be a little similarly to an animal: perceives and feels clearly, even more acute as other people, but nothing understands (to not run in "literary").

But it is possible to represent senses in pictures and to concentrate attention on problems. What for? Yes, it is necessary for the audience, some of them. And the word "literary" protects against discussion of the meaning of the picture. If sedition is seen there or can be seen, then do not touch it. The author of the picture, maybe, somehow and will turn away, will say, they not so understood. And the word is not a sparrow: If it flies out, you won't catch it. It is better not to touch the meaning at all when discussing it, meaning is so "banal". Of course, if these are not illustrations, the author of the text has already explained everything there. Or not the works of antiquity. There you can sing like a nightingale, explaining the meaning of each element of the picture, say, Bosch or Cranach. Which they do.

Problems happen puzzling, pictures, accordingly, too. To express a problem in the form of set of objects of world around not always handily and expediently, spectator can not notice sense, not understand a metaphor, accept for the next still-life or genre painting.

The idea not is object. Occurrence of centaurs, mutants, faces without a body, and bodies without faces is possible. To note in a picture the fact of the supervision, enough one eye, without an ear, a nose, lips, eyebrows. To represent a sight, it is not obligatory to write out every eyelash, it is not obligatory to make a pupil round, you write, you copy, it is not clear how and why, but suddenly it looks.

Maybe, it is more convenient to explain it on an example of photos. It is possible to photograph as usually.

If one photo does not suffice for completeness of transfer you can give a series. Here the person is laughs, here longs, works, walks, etc. I think, that a good series of photos will outdo any realistic portrait.

The birch visitor, photo


It is possible to photograph so, that the object though it will be visible, but will get new sense. You photograph a cloud, and there is a dragon, photograph a tree, and it is womanly.

It is possible to photograph so, that object it will not be visible. There will be visions. The world full of its. Shadows from foliage, patches of light on water, fire, yes, almost everything, can give its. Some visions are senseless, some are disgusting or, on the contrary, beautiful. But some among them are special, to you intended. The future pictures. Only  I do not know how to find its. It hardly can be carried out without the guide. I also did not try.

Well, and if to return to my pictures I should admit, that last years I paint without preliminary photographing. Simply usual sequence for the artist: a Muse, a canvas, almost normal life, a Muse, a canvas …
The muse, the God, sacred Spirit - it is possible to name somehow. Only not the devil. And some people hang up devils on me  quite often. Of course, I have asked myself this question. Is it a blessing from above or the devil is driving me. The answer is not immediately clear and not easy. As in life: good or evil, truth or falsehood, hypocrisy or sincerity, chance or someone's idea, etc. Sometimes life gives a definite answer.

The Spirit is not similar to a Christian doctrine.

For example, being itself secret, knowledge and reason, He respects these qualities in the person. And the Christian doctrine has a claim for absolute true though it contradicts knowledge: and in occasion of creation of the World, and in occasion of a Flood, walk on waters, immaculate conception, a doomsday, etc.

Some claims to christianity have moral character. For example: " the God suffered and ordered the same to us ". Inquisition gives  terrible examples, tortured really. And why, actually, one step aside from a doctrine means devil? Why not Zeus, Mercury or, still it is better, Venus. In fact a beauty.


The mermaid on a background of city, 2002, oil/hardboard,, 42х61 cm.

I think, that animosities to intelligence initially was in Christianity. Though people in microscopes still did not look, but selection work, for example, on pets were engaged and knew about a role of the man's individual in conception the child.  Belief was required from people as refusal from knowledge.

As the doctrine about the God (except for the first precept, that He exist), Christianity is not satisfactory too.

I am afraid, that it is a long theme, but never the less. The God is a secret, but something about His properties is known. Whether He is omnipresent - I do not know, but He can be in several places at once. Or He can move very quickly backwards-forward. He can know, what happens in heads and can operate it.

Operation can be hidden or obvious. Autonomy of a human organism, his consciousness from the God is a very widespread phenomenon, a norm. Whether it is always an illusion, I do not know. Autonomy can be broken.

And what is at Christians: " the God has created the person on an image and the similarity with Himself". The person can be at once in several places? The telepathist? A body of the person is a functional object: we go, we see, we hear - we live on the Earth. The God is arranged somehow differently. Actually Christianity on the outlook is not Belief in the single God at all. Their description of the magic phenomena reminds more likely two conflicting states: the God with angels, and everyone has authority and capacities the One who has sent him. And devil with the assistants. Everyone is competent too.

There is a theory, and not one, that the God, gods, devils - in mentality of the person. These theories, in essence, are not religious. Some of it simply suppose, that people have invented Gods, others, that they correspond to the latent properties of mentality. I object this theory - the God exist outside though has access inside of the person. But it is possible to settle devils inside of mentality as much as necessary. As a heritage of evolutionary development, for example. Or as  own achievements of people, without the help of the supreme forces. Certainly, it is possible to consider devils as derivatives of mentality until personal mystical will not contradict to it.

It is  easier  for me to talk about the God with atheists than with believers, at least, they do not accuse me of devilry. But complexities nevertheless arise. Conversation flows all would be normal and suddenly I assure them, that the God exist. Well, but where He? And I have no concept.

One time I used for myself concept of other dimensions as a symbol of the God.  It is necessary to settle down conveniently to operate precisely such complex mechanisms as even one brain, not speaking about many, And to have easy access to object. But where are these dimensions then?

Conversation on a theological theme, 1995г., oil/hardboard,, 60х90 cm.

And I have heard unexpectedly an explanation after many years of mystical experience, imagine, on TV - only two-three phrases which have satisfied me, did not contradict my knowledge as physicist and as mystic. Perhaps, it is imagination,  functional for a life it is not so important, but it was pleasant to me.

According to Einstein, electromagnetic energy is materiality.   Also in space scale probably  it is organized in the God. It is ancient as the world, exists everywhere, interacts with material particles.

You can tell, there are no revealed reasonable messages of Space? Well, at a level of mystical experience it is revealed, and at a level of the deciphered records of oscillations - so it will be just as on electromagnetic oscillation of brain to read its ideas. I did not hear about such events. Perhaps, He, the God, is arranged not only from energy, but also from other particles, or not all Space is organized in Him, I do not know. But the general idea has  taken off a tension existed in me.

And, at last, some words about revelations. Its do not replace knowledge. For example, revelation of the inspector in court  do not replace proofs. Because the Lord in revelations can lie (oh, such a heresy it is for Christians!). I think, that Moses wrote down revelations of the Bible honesty. And they have appeared  incorrect. Other examples you can meet the Bible also. As the father hardly has not sacrificed the son on an order of the God. Yet at the last minute the angel ordered to kill an animal instead of the son, but in fact it not a joke - messages on sacrifice of the son, God during that moment deceived. It appears. that to think is necessary sometimes.  It is quite good to be verified with moral criteria too.

However, there is no need to me to search on this question for examples in the Bible. I  know well these deceiving  revelations. I start to paint one picture, and receive absolutely unexpected one. I work only with  methods supposing corrections, during work He too leads, the plan at once, as a rule, does not show. But it is not boring.

I has found the statement in the book of aphorisms  which is relevant to quote. It belongs to Paul Valery (1871-1945) - the French poet and the thinker: " the Inspiration is a hypothesis which removes the author to a role of the observer ".

To be the heretic - it is necessary to the artist according his status . Me consoles, that faiths in the world are distributed in such a manner that no of them has the overwhelming majority. It is always  more those who believes differently and impossible to accuse all of them of devilry. Including me. Russia is very emotional. From atheism (has bored) - jump aside to Orthodoxy. And all universities are forgotten. And there in fact not only history of the CPSU was learned.





Religions divide the God, 1995, oil/hardboard,, 52х64 cm.